Free Arcade CMS

We offer EXCLUSIVELY a free arcade script for all publishers!
Read More at our Blog Article

Look at cool features!

Mobile ready

Works perfectly on PC and Mobile

Admin panel

Administration area with awesome 7 themes

Super ultra fast!

Very powerful fast script - PAGE SPEED: 100%

Thousands games!

Import and publish 15,000+ with single click!

Download Live Demo *Available themes: THEME 1 , THEME 2, THEME 3, THEME 4, THEME 5, THEME 6, THEME 7

Easy installation, read below! Arcade Script has a super easy installation.

Go to Dashboard > Arcade CMS

Click the "Download" button

Create a database on your server, you will need new database to work this script properly.

Upload the files from the inside the "Upload" folder on your FTP or on your server

Once you have uploaded all files on your server, go to your url website and follow installation proccess

Simply fill all fields and in few minutes you will have this amazing arcade script completely FREE!

After login, you can manage all games, settings, your ads, and categories in the administration area. Let's enjoy!

Enjoy! Arcade CMS - An modern awesome arcade platform for all publishers with thousands HTML5 games!

*Download link is available after registration is brand of GMO Holding Ltd. [939349]